Silver Package

  • We develop An Entrepreneur mindset into your brain by giving you ONE-ON-ONE live video call session that helps you to think & work as an Entrepreneur to run a profitable and stable business. Currently you Own An Employee mindset and you can never become An Entrepreneur with an Employee mindset, and that’s the reason 90% of Startups fail every year due to not having the right mindset.
  • We give you 4 Business consultations in a month with our business consultants so that you take every step under their guidance ( we make sure you are getting results)
  • We give you 24/7 call support for 1 month to help you to deal with the obstacles you face & we also arrange everything you need to go ahead.
  • We provide you all required resources, means Freelancers & service providers at an affordable price with good discount to help you to run your business successfully, Such as Web developer, SEO expert, Fb ads expert, Copywriter, graphic designer, logo designer, company registration.

Gold Package

  • We develop An Entrepreneur mindset into your brain by giving you ONE-ON-ONE live video call session that helps you to think & work as an Entrepreneur to run a profitable and stable business. Currently you Own An Employee mindset and you can never become An Entrepreneur with an Employee mindset, and that’s the reason 90% of Startups fail every year due to not having the right mindset.
  • We give you 8 Business consultations in 2 months with our business consultants so that you take every step under their guidance ( we make sure you are getting results)
  • We give you 24/7 call support for 2 months to help you to deal with the obstacles you face & we also arrange everything you need to go ahead.
  • We provide you all required resources, means Freelancers & service providers at an affordable price with good discount to help you to run your business successfully, Such as Web developer, SEO expert, Fb ads expert, Copywriter, graphic designer, logo designer, company registration.

Diamond Package

  • We develop An Entrepreneur mindset into your brain by giving you ONE-ON-ONE live video call session that helps you to think & work as an Entrepreneur to run a profitable and stable business. Currently you Own An Employee mindset and you can never become An Entrepreneur with an Employee mindset, and that’s the reason 90% of startups fail every year due to not having the right mindset.
  • We give you 12 Business consultations in 3 months with our business consultant so that you take every step under their guidance ( we make sure you are getting results)
  • We give you 24/7 call support for 3 months to help you to deal with the obstacles you face & we also arrange everything you need to go ahead.
  • We provide you all required resources, means Freelancers & service providers at an affordable price with good discount to help you to run your business successfully, Such as Web developer, SEO expert, Fb ads expert, Copywriter, graphic designer, logo designer.
  • Business Idea analyzation to make sure if your business idea is worth millions or not.